Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gearing up for a roaring good time...

Happy Lunar New Year! I can't believe it's been a year since I updated this blog. It was a tough year to be sure, not one I'm sure I'd like to reminisce about in blog form, but one that probably could have used some documenting. Of course, isn't every year like that? So much different than the one before, but so much the same? I'm hoping this year is different and memorable. Especially since I have a lot of writing ambitions on my goal list.

Ah, the goal list. So much fun to much harder to cross off. This year I'm going to try and employ some help. I like to think that I can hold myself accountable for things, but since I know me better than anybody, I know all the ways to weasle out of things. Maybe a little reporting to others will make my goals stick a little more.

I do feel a little bit more of a clean slate this year than most others. Maybe it has to do with the beginning of a new decade. Will the Year of the Tiger start off a roaring good time for the next ten years? I surely hope so.

To add to all these turning of a page times, it is also currently the Lenten season. I'm not Catholic, but I always try to give up something, you know for fun. I like the challenge of it, though I'm not sure I've ever fully made it. This years sacrifices: soda and candy. I KNOW -- what was I thinking?! Except, after seeing a few photos of me lately, I could definitely go without these two things for forty days. I could go without these things for forty years, but I know that's never going to happen. So far, so good. I'm not even going to use Sundays as a cheat, which technically makes the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter 46 days. Yes, I've triple counted. Apparently, there is a whole weird thing of Sundays being like "mini-Easters" in Western Christianity so they do not count. They don't count religiously, but I will know if I eat the whoppers in my pantry. Or the one that fell on the floor in the kitchen when I was cleaning that I threw away. I didn't contemplate that one too hard, give me another 20 days, and we will see.

I really shouldn't eat other bad things either, but a world without any treats does not sound like a world I want to participate in. My roommate tried to say ice cream was "frozen candy" the other day and that I shouldn't have any. I told him not to joke around with a fat girl on limited sugar about ice cream. But I didn't have any. Still haven't. See, those annoying accountability people are keeping me going down the right path. Darn.

I know that not many, if any, people read this, so I guess I will have to be responsible for keeping this up. I don't plan on this little blog of my little world moving far beyond the realms of my computer. It's not like it will turn into this...

But hey, if I post more than once this year, I will be on an upward track! So here I come blogging world, here me ROAR!